The Lún HYPER R67 are our most aero rim-brake wheels. Carbon spokes, ceramic bearings and a filament-wound rim make them the ultimate performance wheelset. The super-lightweight construction makes them climb and accelerate like no other wheel. Carbon spokes produce a wheel that is both light and stiff giving you wheels you can rely on for the hardest sprints or toughest climbs, day-in, day-out.
In late 2019 we debuted our Lún HYPER wheels to great fanfare. It seemed we’d cracked the code on what road cyclists wanted in a wheelset: Fast, light, stiff and a characteristic snappy acceleration like no other wheel out there. The word spread, so we built more…and more, and more. 50,000 wheels later and Lún HYPER wheels were being ridden in over 75 countries in six continents. They rode people to personal bests, KOMs, podiums, state and national championships.
We didn’t rest on our laurels. We knew we had a challenge ahead of us: How do you improve on the greatest? We quadrupled our R&D budget, got some of the greatest minds in the industry and custom built a plethora of wheel-testing lab equipment. However, in addition to these, we had one ace up our sleeves: You.
The feedback from our customers was invaluable. You people know bikes, and you know exactly what you want from a wheelset. Every YouTube review, every forum post, every Instagram hash-tag, every comment… we read them all. The consensus was clear. People wanted a wider rim; that was easy enough. But people also wanted Lighter, Stiffer, Faster. That got the engineers scratching their heads. They rose to the challenge and came back with a series of wheel that are on average 15% Stiffer, 6% Lighter and ready to make you faster.
The optimum rim width for different yaw angles and riding speeds can be debated. However, one thing that was overwhelming clear was that you guys wanted a wider internal rim width for riding with wider tires. The wider 21mm internal width rim gives better aerodynamic performance with a 25mm wide tire compared to our previous model Lún HYPER due to the better transition from tire to rim. 21mm internal rim width is perfect for either 25mm or 28mm tires but can take tires all the way up to 47mm.
The R33 and D33 wheels are designed for all-out climbing performance. However, our 45 and 67 series wheels put aerodynamic efficiency first. They’re the first wheels to feature our F-RAPID Design. The Front and Rear Aero Profiles are Individually Designed to meet their unique demands. The front wheel is optimized for its leading edge performance giving speed and stability in a variety of conditions with a more rounded rim profile. The rear wheel profile is taller and is optimized for lower yaw angles with an emphasis on trailing edge performance.
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